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  2. Setting up Rules for Automation
  3. Creating Automation Rules

Creating Automation Rules

To automate your subscribers between lists, you will have to setup and activate rules. Whenever the condition is met, the rule will execute.

Go to the submenu ‘Automate’ within the Mailpoet menu.
On the tab ‘Automate settings’ you will be able to create rules.

Here you can configure your automations and the interval of when it will run. For testing purposes, you can use the 10 minutes interval, this means that the cronjob which will check if there is something to automate every 10 minutes. On larger sites/subscriber lists this can be heavy on your server, so use another interval when all is configured, tested and working.

You can select the following intervals for the automation to run:
– Every hour
– Twice a day
– Daily
– Monthly


If you want to configure multiply rules then click on the “+” symbol next to the first rule to add another one.
Want to delete a rule, simply click on the “-” symbol next to the related rule.

If needed, it’s possible to pause a rule from running. You can do this by unchecking the green checkbox on the left of the relevant rule.

At this moment, you won’t receive a warning when rules are conflicting, so you will have to check and control this yourself. Also, it’s not possible to ‘undo’ executions whenever a rule has run. So create your automation rules wisely!

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